by Patricia Wright
Autism Awareness Month begins today, so start looking (and listening!) for Easter Seals on TV, on radio and in the print media.
We’re committed to helping people understand that autism is treatable, early intervention improves outcomes, and funding is necessary for appropriate services and supports. These are the messages that I want to send through the media. And, lucky for me, I sometimes get a chance to do just that.
Last week CNN called to ask me about web resources for World Autism Day — autism is big news, and America’s number one cable news source wants to be prepared for all the people coming to their website this month.
My colleagues and I were also asked to do a spot for the radio show Life, Love & Health. Radio spots are fun. You know that if you say something really ridiculous — or even sneeze — it can be edited out. Thanks to editors and producers, I always end up sounding better on radio than I do on my karaoke machine at home! See if you agree — listen to my radio piece about autism.
If you can’t listen to an mp3, here’s the text of my soundbite:
Autism affects everyone differently and involves challenges in communication, social skills, and behaviors. If you’re worried your child may have autism — or feel something just isn’t right — follow your instincts. Don’t assume that your child will catch up. Share your concerns with your pediatrician. Look into your state’s early intervention program. Get a diagnosis. And seek support from community service and treatment providers like Easter Seals.
The idea that public awareness can promote effective services and supports encourages me to keep sharing the message — There Is Hope.