Toolkit helps identify autism early on

Matt’s post on Tuesday reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends developmental surveillance and autism screenings at well-child visits before age three. It turns out AAP has developed a toolkit to support health care professionals in the identification and ongoing management of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

The toolkit is called Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians. Easter Seals Central Texas is using this toolkit to work closely with local pediatricians and primary care physicians. We want to make sure that if children are identified with a developmental concern, including autism, during the birth to three years, our early intervention program is available to them. That way we can work with pediatricians and families to be sure children’s needs are addressed promptly.

This toolkit works well for us. It’s a great resource, and it provides pediatricians and service providers a way to work together. Using the toolkit helps make sure children can receive a diagnosis and intervention for autism and other disabilities as early as possible.

And when early diagnosis and intervention occur, children can make incredible progress.


Comments may not reflect Easterseals' policies or positions.

  1. Andy Says:

    Your site has great information, and is easy to navigate!

  2. Jessica Says:

    It’s great that the AAP is making these recommendations and even better that they have provided an easy way for pediatricians to start identifying ASD before age 3. 0-3 years old is such a critical time and it’s so refreshing to know that Easter Seals Early Childhood Intervention supports and serves such an important population!

  3. Mindy Says:

    Thanks to Lisa and Easter Seals for all the work you do to support our community through your early intervention programs.

  4. Debbie Says:

    It’s so incredible to think we can identify autistic characteristics at a very young age while the brain is still growing. We can change the lives of so many children and families through this education for physicians and families.

  5. Veronica Says:

    What great information! It’s great that Easter Seals Central Texas is striving to educate their families and surrounding community. Keep up the good work!

  6. Tom Says:

    Thanks for pointing out the toolkit. I’m sure that’s going to help a whole lot of people!

  7. Lisa Tate Says:

    Thanks for your post Julia! In fact, the toolkit contains: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders, a booklet written for parents that provides critical information about Autism and answers the most common questions asked by parents about Autism. It also contains parent handouts written in question-and-answer format for parents on a variety of topics. Both of these items as well as many other pieces of the toolkit can be reproduced for families once the toolkit is purchased.

  8. Joe Says:


    Thanks to you and Easter Seals for all the great work you do.


  9. Jen Says:

    Thanks for continuing to provide such great information! The toolkit sounds amazingly helpful, for both parents and clinicians alike. The more we know about autism early on, the easier it will be to help others live and thrive with autism throughout the lifespan. Thanks, Lisa!

  10. Wendy Says:

    This is great news. It is great to see that Easter Seals is utilizing the most up-to-date resources to communicate with physicians and HCPs. This collaborative effort will surely help pave the road to early diagnosis and treatment.

  11. Julia Says:

    That’s great the Easter Seals is working with pediatricians to help families navigate this often tricky path through screening and diagnosis. I’d like to learn more about how families may receive a “toolkit” of their own. I wonder if Easter Seals Central Texas has anything to give to families?