The potential in students with Asperger’s

AaronLikensSo I was on a vacation out West last month and was golfing at the Gordon Country Club, looking out to the west on the 7th tee on a blustery day, watching the high, groomed grass dancing in the wind. I looked to the north and the land just wasn’t as tended to and was just unkempt land. What a difference a little (or a lot) of work made.

That got me thinking.

I’ve talked so much about the potential a person on the autism spectrum can have. That potential isn’t just going to happen, though. It needs to work very much like the land out here. If it weren’t for the decades (probably more like the century’s!) worth of work on the land out here in Western Nebraska, there’s a good chance, well, a 100% chance, that the land would not be hospitable for much of anything. It’s taken irrigation, proper ranching, and a constant eye to make sure the land and livestock are right.

So why am I going on a talk about ranching and land? Potential. someone, at some point in time, saw potential out here. This community now has a sustainable agriculture economy. If the agriculture goes away, this town would likely go away, too.

How does this relate to anything? It all goes back to potential.

The school year is starting, and once more teachers are going to have students in their classrooms who have Asperger’s Syndrome. Some teachers have a difficult time handling these students, thinking that they are obstinate or defiant. Other teachers will let these students with Asperger’s just be themselves and not offer much guidance.

And then there are teachers who see the potential.

It’s fitting I started this blog post in the midst of an agriculture community, because for years I’ve been ending my presentations like this:

“we live in a society where everyone wants everything to be perfect right now. When it comes to autism we can’t look at it that way and rather we need to look at it like planting seeds; you’ve got to give it time to grow.”

That being the case, teachers have a great chance to plant the seeds. They can instill that potential that might be hidden underneath.

I ended up playing many more rounds of golf and driving by fields filled with cattle and grasslands perfect for food. Not being a farmer or rancher I didn’t always know what I was seeing – there were crops that I couldn’t name, and some fields that were seemingly empty. What was there? What was going on? From my vantage point it was empty, worthless land, but to the right farmer or rancher they may see the hidden potential in the land.

That’s the difference between knowing and not knowing. I can only hope that in this upcoming school year more and more teachers master the art of seeing potential. What may seem like an empty field may someday turn into the most beautiful of creations. It all starts with the planting of just one seed.

A version of this post first appeared on Aaron Likens’ personal blog, Life on the Other Side of the Wall.


When front-of-house staff aren’t trained to help people with disabilities

theater-curtains-down-morguestockI’ve written a post here before applauding the efforts theater companies are making to allow people with disabilities to access their live productions, and I’m pleased to be helping at a accessibility workshop tonight for “front of house” staff from Chicago Theaters.

Let me explain. “front of house (FOH) work encompasses all the things happening with the audience in the lobby and at the concession areas before, during, and immediately after a show — anything from selling tickets to handing out concessions to ushering. People who work front of house often do so because they enjoy working with people, like interacting with audience members directly, and appreciate one of the job’s big benefits: FOH staff often get to see the show for free.

But what happens when front of house staff members haven’t had many audience members with disabilities before?
It’s been my experience that untrained FOH staff mean well but can be sheepish about approaching my Seeing Eye dog Whitney and me or not very skilled at anticipating any special needs. In my case, I appreciate door people or security guards outside the front of the theater who call out to ask if I’m going to a play as I approach and then confirm I am indeed at the right place; staff inside letting me know where “will call” is to pick up my tickets; concession stand workers listing their offerings out loud; and ushers who offer to guide us to the best place for Whitney if she needs an outside break during intermission.

At tonight’s program, theater-goers who are hard of hearing, can’t see, use a wheelchair, have developmental disabilities or issues with memory loss will explain their unique needs and answer questions from front of house staff who will be there from theaters all over Chicago. Attendees will hear from audience members who go to touch tours before shows, use wheelchair accessible stages, read open captioning, take in ASL Interpreted performances, or listen to audio descriptions of what’s on stage. I’m looking forward to talking with front of house staff members tonight to learn more about them and their jobs. I also look forward to discussing the challenges and successes in accessing arts programs with them. I’ll be sure to share all I learn here with you on a future post. For now, its showtime!

If you’re looking for accessible recreation and entertainment activities, see what Easter Seals has to offer.


My 7-week trip to explore accessible travel…alone with 2 kids


Eliza on vacation

Meg Harris is the founder of a website that researches and books accessible travel for families with disabilities called, and she’s on a seven-week cross-country journey with her daughter Eliza, who has Rett Syndrome, and her son Henry, a typically developing child. She’s capturing this journey on an exclusive vlog on Here she is with a guest post about some recent stops out West.

by Meg Harris

Meg Harris and family

Henry, Meg and Eliza

I am Tan! Can’t believe it! I never get so tan! Must be because we’ve spent so much time outside and swimming on this trip.

I’ve loved all the swimming we’ve done these past weeks. We are truly having an incredible experience. I keep waiting for the kids to ask when we’ll be going home, but they are so happy out here exploring new things that they don’t mention it.

Today Henry told me how much he loves making so many new friends on the road. He is super-social, so wherever we go he has a new buddy. He loves that!

He is really loving Paleo camp, too — it’s a great program about paleontology for first and second graders. Jack Horner (the Paleontologist portrayed in Jurassic Park) is here at this museum. He is going to speak to the kids later this week, so that is totally cool.

This is a trip that I will remember always. Just like the kids, I, too, am not ready to go home! It is so much fun out here on the road!

Today we are moving to a new hotel, or, actually, a lodge. It’s very intimate and family-oriented, so it will be REALLY interesting to see how they handle Eliza and Henry and his boundless energy. What’s amazing about this trip is that most everywhere we have gone the hotels or attractions have commented on Henry, not Eliza. When we were checking out of the Inn in Cheyenne, the owner told me that he fully comped my room because of the mission SpecialGlobe is undertaking. He told me I have my hands full and said he was in awe. My Henry…I love him so much but he is truly a wild child!

Thanks, guys, for following us on this journey. Please share our stories with your families. If it even inspires one of you families out there who thinks you can’t travel to give it a try, then I will be happy!

Visit to follow our journey.

We’re also featuring every travel destination video on the Easter Seals YouTube channel here. Look for the Disability Travel playlist.


Veteran services must account for changing demographics

Kim Mitchell, a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy

Kim Mitchell, a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy

Today Easter Seals released a white paper about female veteran reintegration calling for federal and state policymakers to invest in community-based solutions to improve the transition to civilian life for female veterans.

I would never presume to fully understand the unique challenges that female veterans experience – and I do not want to put words in the mouths of my fellow veterans. But I can tell you that this is an important issue.

Studies and reports have extensively documented the challenges that female veterans face. There are more than 2 million female veterans in the U.S., and it is estimated that almost 200,000 women currently in the military will transition into civilian life over the next several years.

My business partner Kim Mitchell, a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy for 17 years, states unequivocally that in a male-dominated field such as the U.S. military, women do everything they can not to be perceived as weak. She understands, more so than me, that women will often remain silent in group counseling sessions that mix male and female veterans. Yet I see these mixed-gender sessions taking place throughout the country. It’s not malicious on the part of the organizers; it’s simply that many civilians do not grasp this nuance of military culture.

Easter Seals Dixon Center logoVeteran reintegration works best when it is local, tailored individually and holistically to meet the unique needs of each veteran. Put another way, what works for a man doesn’t always work for a woman – and vice versa. Easter Seals examines best practices for female veterans in its Call to Action white paper and describes the models it successfully uses in its veteran programs across the country.

Today Kim and I are speaking at the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) summit in Seattle as part of a new partnership between Easter Seals and NCSL. We are urging state leaders to help promote veteran reintegration by reducing the fragmentation that exists among available veteran services and by expanding effective care coordination and supportive services models at the local level.

We need more community-driven programs that operate within this proven veteran reintegration model. There is only so much that the government can do. To fill the gaps, state leaders should authorize and fund state care coordination programs for all generations of veterans.

Part of this funding must be earmarked for community asset-mapping and service coordination efforts. This isn’t complex. What this means is that organizations like Easter Seals will make an assessment of all services in a community, connecting the dots between like-minded organizations to promote a synergistic, holistic approach.

Battlefields do not distinguish between men and women. I’ll never forget my brigade S2 (staff non-commissioned officer) in Iraq, Staff Sergeant Tami Reeder.  She supervised intelligence analysis and volunteered to lead mortuary affairs. This meant that SSG Reeder was responsible for recovering and processing bodies of those killed in action. I saw her going into burned-out buildings and vehicles, treating her job and her charges with the utmost dignity. She was as courageous as they come.

The civilian world is not the battlefield, though. Many civilians did not understand what SSG Reeder had gone through in Iraq and did not initially acknowledge that she faced the same war trauma as her male counterparts. Thankfully, that awareness is changing, and perhaps this will be a non-issue when she ultimately retires from active duty.

As society recognizes that each veteran is his/her own individual, we are seeing the acknowledgement that sometimes it makes sense to customize solutions for our veterans to improve their transition to civilian life. If it aids in the reintegration process, I’m all for it.


We’ve got Soul Food fever and here’s why!

Easter Seals has partnered with a very cool t-shirt company named Soul Food Mafia, and they are about a whole lot more than just t-shirts. Our guest blogger today is the founder of Soul food Mafia, Heidi Davis, and she answers some questions for us.

soulfoodmafia-3tshirtmodels-blogWhat’s Soul Food Mafia all about? It’s not about me, my team, or even a t-shirt really. We always say this is a universal calling. It’s our job to inspire a generation to do more and be more. Our karmic calling, so to speak. We just happen to do it through the creation of a really awesome T-shirt collection.

What inspired it? My 15 year-old daughter. I saw this generation of millennials that everyone says is too self-absorbed to care about philanthropy. I don’t believe that. I believe they want, no need, a movement. A reason bigger than themselves. We need to take them from selfie to selfless. Social media has taken over the world. That is where we have to go to inspire them. We inspire with badass t-shirts that are Instagram worthy.

Why is the number 8 special to you, and where can we spot it? Everywhere. On the website, our launch date, the number of philanthropic partners we have. Eight is the universal sign of karma. I am a firm believer in karma. (Laughing) Some days karma is all a girl has to hold on to. Hey, I might have to put that on a t-shirt.

What’s your connection to Easter Seals? Easter Seals and its efforts have touched my family in a multitude of ways. My Uncle Paul has MS and has been in a wheelchair since he was about 18 years old. He is fiercely independent and insists on doing just about everything himself. That would not be possible without organizations like Easter Seals. Your advocacy allows him to have the advantages that most of us don’t have to think about. (smiling) He’s a really cool dude.

What’s your advice for taking your passion and doing good with it? You first have to know what your passion platform is. Is it children with disabilities? Animal Protection? Human Rights? Pick one, pick two, heck, pick 8, but pick something. Even the smallest effort counts. One sandwich feeds a hungry person. So many people don’t get involved because they think what they have to offer isn’t enough. Every single thing you do for good counts. It counts.

How can the Easter Seals audience get involved? Visit our website. Soul Food Mafia has eight t-shirt designs that I created. They are really cool, and they are all manufactured in a sweatshop free, child labor free facilities. Pick your favorite. At the point of checkout click on Easter Seals as your philanthropic platform of choice. This ensures your donation goes directly back to Easter Seals. Join the movement.

Why is giving back important to you? My father is one of my favorite humans on the planet. He taught me that you should always give more than you take and that there are no limits on love. I try to teach those same lessons to my children. It’s all about Karma. They say what we put out into the world comes back to us three fold. I’m pretty sure it comes back eight.

Check out the Soul Food Mafia Lookbook video.

To purchase a Soul Food Mafia T-shirt and support Easter Seals, visit


Turn your passion into volunteer experiences

volunteer-crossroad-playgroundThere is no cookie cutter way to give back, and we love to see people use their passions and creativity for good, whether at Easter Seals or any nonprofit that touches you. Many people reach out to organizations like Easter Seals to see what they need, but you are empowered to give us, or any nonprofit organization, a call and offer your ideas for donation of your time or unique skills.

In fact, we once had someone with a certification in gardening offer to teach seniors in an adult daycare program how to garden. For years now, they’ve collaborated on seasonal projects and everyone — the volunteer and students alike — feels excited for, and stimulated by, each new project. As we gear up for a partnership with the company Outerwall to inspire volunteerism, we thought it would be a great time to offer a bit of inspiration with volunteerism ideas. Sara Croft is here to offer some of the unique ideas from Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana. Take it away, Sara!


Volunteer clean-up

Here at Easter Seals Crossroads, we’ve welcomed skills-based volunteers with open arms the past year. Here are a few examples of the sorts of people, skills and talents we’ve found useful:

Artsy people: Cayla is an art student at Heron High School in Indianapolis. She enjoys art and has brought that passion to our Adult Day program, which recently created an art therapy initiative. Cayla introduced the participants to a variety of painting mediums while they collaborated on a large canvas piece. She said “It was my first time volunteering and I was nervous but I had a great time and I will volunteer with the Adult Day Program again!”


Business people: Kate Stephens of That’s Good HR conducted mock interviews with consumers in our employment division to assist them with building interview skills. The local Indianapolis company specializes in recruitment and hiring and offered their expertise to our job coaches and consumers for a few hours during the weekday. Kate says “We loved our time at Easter Seals Crossroads! It is such a special place serving a wonderful cause!”


Social people: CampAbility, one of our summer day-camps, is great for anyone interested in Occupation, Physical, or Speech-Language therapy. All of the activities during camp have been developed by our therapists, and volunteers are responsible for assisting staff with activities that explore sensory/motor experiences, expand communication skills, and enhance social skills.


Outdoor people: Our Therapy and Wellness Garden is one of the highlights of our facility. The large fenced-in area is used by our Adult Day consumers year-round for growing vegetables and for outdoor activities. Keeping up on the maintenance for such a large outdoor area can be difficult. Volunteers keep the space beautiful by providing much needed mulching, weeding, trimming and general clean up. Local gardeners and landscaping companies have offered this assistance along with corporations who want a volunteer experience with their staff outside of the building.

Easter Seals Crossroads is thankful for the 700 volunteers that devoted their time to us during our last fiscal year along with the 9,182 volunteer hours that were served, and every Easter Seals is so grateful for any way you’d like to support us. Join us!

Your local Easter Seals affiliate is looking for volunteers with your skills and talents, too — any type of volunteering, whether it’s skills-based or a general opportunity, can give you the chance to improve on the skills and experiences you already have or to develop and practice new ones. One thing I hear from nearly every Easter Seals volunteer I talk to is that volunteering is as beneficial for them as it is for the affiliate they volunteer for.


A doctor’s opinion of developmental screenings for all children

Kevin P. Marks M.D., F.A.A.P. is a general pediatrician at PeaceHealth Medical Group in Eugene, Oregon, and he has some interesting points about why all children may benefit from social and emotional developmental screenings. Take it away, Kevin!

baby-feet-diapersMore than ever before, U.S. healthcare providers are promoting early literacy and language skills for children zero to five years of age. We preach “the 4 Ts”:

Talk, talk, talk.
Take turns taking.
Tune into what your child is doing and saying.
Turn off your TV and cell phone!

National campaigns like Too Small To Fail emphasize “Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing”—aspiring to close the word gap between low-income and affluent children.

My professional opinion is that public awareness campaigns promoting early language and literacy skills would be more effective if they were paired with a campaign about the need to screen children for developmental-behavioral problems. Although their recommendations are a bit complicated, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends universally screening young children for developmental delays, social-emotional/behavioral problems, autism and psychosocial risk conditions like maternal depression/anxiety. Parents need to know—screening is the new standard of care.

Interestingly, screening rates have approximately doubled over the past fifteen years. According to AAP surveys, 23% of pediatricians “self-reported always/almost always using 1 or more standardized screening tools” in 2002 and 48% used them in 2009. Nowadays, states like Oregon even have quality incentives that hold healthcare providers accountable for universally screening children.

So what is screening supposed to look like at a doctor’s office? If you’re the parent of a young child, does the process in this video about the Ages and Stages Questionnaire look vaguely familiar? Hopefully, your answer is yes. [Note that Easter Seals offers an ASQ screening online for free, and you can take your results to your pediatrician.]

Here’s why: 15-17% of U.S. children have a developmental disability and about 20% have a mental health disorder at any given time. Estimated prevalence rates are similar in 2- to 5-year-old children. By 16 years, 37-39% will have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Unfortunately, pediatrician impression alone (without screening) fails to timely identify and refer 60–80% of children with developmental delays.

Furthermore, children exposed to multiple adverse childhood experiences disproportionately require special education, drop out of school, get addicted to substances of abuse, and have suicidal ideation or attempts. They inordinately burden our judicial and penal systems with anti-social/criminal behavior and our healthcare system with mental illness, obesity and many other chronic ailments. Early intervention (EI) saves the brains of children with adverse childhood experiences and those with emerging disorders, like autism. For every dollar spent on high-quality early learning programs, there’s a 7-10 percent annual return rate in cost savings—and the younger the child served, the wiser the investment.

Beyond healthcare settings, the federal government wants screening to also occur in daycares, preschools, homeless shelters and at nurse home visits. “Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive!” is a wide-scale, coordinated initiative to universally screen children at-risk for developmental-behavioral problems. Unfortunately, the average American parent knows little to nothing about their resources for families.

Every parent looks forward to seeing their child’s first smile, step, and words. Regular developmental-behavioral screenings help raise awareness of a child’s development, make it easier to celebrate milestones and identify red-flag concerns as early as possible. With early and periodic screening, parents can make sure that their children get the support they need to succeed in school and thrive alongside their peers.

“Do more talking and reading” is generally great advice but if parents have developmental, behavioral or learning concerns, be wary if a healthcare provider quips, “let’s just wait and see if he grows out of it” without first interpreting a screening tool. When clinicians notice “red-flags” or there is an atypical screening result, the new mantra is “let’s play it safe and give them a call”—“them” being an EI agency and/or other community resource.

Unfortunately, many referred children/families never receive high-quality services in a timely manner. Parents might have negative perceptions about referrals. They can seem like an externally imposed value system. At times, a healthcare provider’s recommendations can seem unhelpful or formulaic. The office staff might appear judgmental, intrusive, or overbearing. Many “lost-to-follow up” children/families are overwhelmed by life stressors like poverty, marital discord, domestic violence, mental illness, a language barrier, a disconnected phone service or recent move, etc.

At-risk/disadvantaged children are frequently overlooked if their state has strict EI eligibility criteria or lacks system-wide care coordination. Among states with narrow eligibility criteria, poor children are 18% less likely to receive EI services. Others live in a community where an early detection system struggles to address parental language or literacy barriers. Disparities exist in screening/referral support for Latino populations which negatively affects children’s involvement in EI. African American children with developmental delay(s) are 5 times less likely than were white children to receive EI services. All not good.

Alas, the new message for parents should be: “Talk, Read, Sing, Screen!” If your healthcare provider or high-quality screening tool indicates there’s an emerging problem, don’t wait. Get your child swiftly linked to an EI program and/or other beneficial program. Let’s expect 100% of healthcare providers to routinely use high-quality screening tools. Let’s tell policy makers to improve our care coordination systems to enhance the long-term success of our children.

Visit to learn more about screening your child.


Does technology destroy or enhance communication?

It’s the first week of August already, and the first day of school isn’t far away. How about we start the month with a guest post by a friend of mine who is a writer and a teacher?

Carolyn Alessio’s work has appeared in The Chicago Tribune, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, and Brain, Child. Her novel manuscript was a finalist for the PEN/Bellwether Prize for socially engaged fiction. Carolyn teaches at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Chicago and tells me this is a story she often shares with her students.

by Carolyn Alessio

Mom, Carolyn Allessio, and her young daughter and son outdoors on sunny day.

The Alessio family

The couple in their 50s or 60s sat down at the table in front of me, whipped out their phones and began to text like teenagers just released from a museum tour.

Glancing up over my computer at the Pilsen coffee shop, I feared I was witnessing the end of interpersonal communication. This was almost 10 years ago, so the phones were flip models (or “dumb”) and the owners likely weren’t tracking progress of NASA’s latest Mars Rover or pulling up the results of recent blood work. But they texted madly anyway for the next hour, looking up only occasionally to sip their lattes or actually stare into each other’s faces.

All around us, other customers spoke to each other in Spanish and English. Music by Maná, a Mexican pop rock band, floated around us as well with bachata melodies and romantic lyrics. The rich ambience often drew me to the coffee shop. But it
all seemed lost on the two at the table in front of me, who might as well have been wearing headphones or sitting in different cities.

Pausing over a knotty section of my novel, I remember worrying about my high school students and my own small daughter. Would technology destroy their ability to connect personally, to make small talk as well as to look others in the eye and proclaim the truth in their hearts? And if they did, would it be abbreviated in text-shorthand such as ATSITS for “All the stars in the sky?”

Maybe, I thought, I should just start teaching soliloquies in shorter bursts. Macbeth’s bitter, rueful monologue after the suicide of his wife might be boiled down to begin “2MOR & 2MOR & 2MOR.”

With technology and others’ use of it, it’s easy to be judgmental. My now-teenage daughter frequently reminds me of this tendency.

That day in Pilsen, the couple in front of me finally stood up and put down their phones. As they went to say goodbye, however, they exchanged no spoken words. Instead, I watched in amazement as they signed expressions I recognized from basic American Sign Language: I love you, Goodbye.

These days I often tell my students about my presumption that the two in the coffee shop WERE merely using technology to disconnect rather than to connect. I am still anxious about the potential of technology to supplant emotion, but I am also aware of its ability to miraculously enhance it.


How the ADA changed my life: I think I got fired because I lost my sight

Blind justice!When I finished college I got a job at the Study Abroad Office at a university. During one-on-one appointments with  students, I’d ask what they might like to study overseas, what sort of living arrangements they wanted, did they speak a foreign language, which countries they were particularly interested in — that sort of thing. I’d describe options available to them, make phone calls to other universities. If the university didn’t offer the option they wanted, I’d help with paperwork to get their credits transferred. I liked the work, I was good at it, and soon I was promoted to assistant director.

And then, a few years later in 1986, I lost my sight. My contract was terminated shortly thereafter.

The Americans with Disabilities Act wouldn’t be signed into legislation until four years later. This month is the 25th anniversary of the passage of the ADA, and while I am celebrating all the progress we have made in a relatively short amount of time, I also acknowledge we have a lot more to do. One example: it’s 25 years after the ADA was passed, and the unemployment rate among people who are blind still hovers around 75%.

Here’s my work story: After my contract at the university was terminated, I attended a residential rehabilitation center for the blind, learned Braille and taught myself to use a talking computer. I applied for a job at the Study Abroad Office again after The Americans with Disabilities Act had been passed and made it through the first round of interviews. Even with the law on my side, though, I didn’t get hired.

My husband Mike was the lucky guy who got to read the carefully crafted rejection letter out loud to me. Not a word about disability. The reason I wasn’t hired? My lack of recent work experience.

I applied for all sorts of jobs after that. One was with an emergency hotline that took calls from people whose pets have eaten a toxic substance. I emailed them for details. My note didn’t mention I was blind, or that I used a talking computer to send the email. Their response was enthusiastic. I was invited to visit the office to apply for the job.

A friend drove me to the interview. I heard the receptionist leave her desk abruptly as my friend helped me fill out the printed application form. The woman who walked out next was not the receptionist — she had a different stride from the first, and her bracelets jangled. Forms had to be filled out with every phone call that came in, she said. Every word by every person who calls the hotline had to be documented. By hand.

I explained how I use a talking computer. I could create digital versions of the forms, complete them on the computer, print them out.

“No,” she said. “They’re legal forms. They have to be filled out by hand.” I tried to squeeze out more details, see if maybe there were workarounds. But she wouldn’t listen. That was that.

If you ask me, it was a lawsuit waiting to happen, but even today, 25 years after the ADA was passed, these lawsuits are the burden of the person with the disability. To bring a case against that poison control hotline I would have had to pay a lawyer, file, wait months — sometimes years – hoping the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would accept my case. I didn’t file a complaint.

When Mike spotted another want ad for that same position in the paper weeks later, I sent another email asking for another interview. No email response.

A carefully worded letter arrived soon afterwards with task descriptions, each one specifically written to make it perfectly clear that a blind person couldn’t possibly perform them. The product of a legal consultation, I was sure.

I got this sort of treatment more times than I care to tell you about. I don’t take it personally anymore, but back then it was painful. And confounding. I guess it’s the same as other bigotries. Changing the law is one thing. Changing hearts and minds is another, and slowly, slowly those hearts and minds did start to change.

As ramps replaced curbs, and theaters and sports facilities added accessible seating, and buses and trains and subway cars ran automatic announcements to call out each and every stop, and handicapped stalls were added to public restrooms, well, a funny thing happened. People with disabilities started eating out at restaurants, enjoying a night out at the movies, cheering on their sports teams at games, traveling on public transportation. People got more used to being around those of us with disabilities, and that familiarity made them more willing to take a chance on hiring us.

A church in Champaign, Illinois, hired me as a volunteer coordinator. When we moved to the Chicago suburbs, a minor league baseball team found a job for me in their ticket office. When we moved to Chicago, Easterseals took me on as their Interactive Community Coordinator. I am grateful to all of these employers for taking a chance on me. Their confidence in me has helped boost my confidence in myself.

I am also thankful to the legislators, demonstrators, advocates and lobbyists who worked so hard to get The Americans with Disabilities Act passed back in 1990. The next frontier? Bringing that unemployment rate down. Let’s keep working.

Get job hunting resources and look for jobs posted by employers who want to hire and retain people with disabilities at


How the ADA changed my life: “there is nothing on earth like being there…”

We continue our celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act this month with a guest post by Mary Rigdon, a writer in one of the memoir writing -classes I lead for senior citizens here in Chicago.

by Mary Rigdon

Seating map for a basketball stadium showing wheelchair access points

Basketball stadium map showing accessible seating areas

My life changed drastically when the ADA was passed and I became the compliance officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit. I spent more time out of my cubbyhole office after that, interviewing folks with disabilities who raised complaints, choosing locations to inspect for compliance, and negotiating details of upgraded plans for expanded services for those with disabilities.

Our first real confrontation came with a large hotel at the downtown Renaissance Center. We decided to target that facility as it had hundreds of rooms, was used for multiple conventions, and was in the process of remodeling and updating the buildings. We reasoned that if this hotel agreed to the necessary upgrades, it would stimulate others to get on board with the ADA, too.

A graduate student who used a wheelchair accompanied us to demonstrate the need for rooms with accommodations– wider doors, room numbers lower on the wall with raised numerals and Braille designations, lower sinks in the bathrooms, and showers with no ledges to block entrance. After several months of negotiation we reached a compliance agreement and schedule which we publicized everywhere to pave our way into other venues — more hotels, lots of restaurants and theaters.

I enjoyed attending training sessions at the Department of Justice (DOJ) with people around the country who were dealing with these issues, too. DOJ added an entire new staff in the Civil Rights section to concentrate on the ADA, including one person with sight problems, one with hearing deficits, and feisty Joe, a speed demon in a wheelchair.

Joe was a fanatic wheelchair athlete, having played in a league during college and law school. From this background, he became a primary motivator for making athletic stadiums and sports arenas accessible to those with disabilities, particularly persons with special seating requirements. This was a long and hard-fought battle in many cases, and I cannot forget the excitement in Joe’s voice as he described his thrill in attending his first professional basketball game in person. “I love watching games on TV, but there is nothing on earth like being there at the stadium,” he said. “All that energy, hearing all those fans, seeing the court and watching the players right there — live and in person!

This determination was the impetus in persuading the Justice Department to press particularly hard for seating accommodations at the principal venues in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. It was with great fanfare that Deval Patrick, then the capable Deputy Attorney General for Civil Rights, announced that 1% of the seats (850 of 85,000) in the main stadium would be wheelchair accessible with adequate sight-lines, and that those seats would all be near regular seating for accompanying family and friends. This was an historic first for an Olympic site.

Twenty-five years later I am glad to see the continuing ADA accommodations enacted, and when I see the names of my ADA comrades in the news I rejoice in their continuing dedication to the needs of people with disabilities.

Visit to learn more about this important civil rights legislation.