Special joys, special challenges
by Beth Finke
Here’s an understatement for you: holidays can be difficult for families with autism. An article called Special Joys, Special Challenges in Bay Area Parent offers holiday tips and advice to help parents of kids with autism and other disabilities enjoy the holidays rather than dread them. The story quotes staff members from Easter Seals Bay Area:
Matthew McAlear, the vice president and chief program officer for Easter Seals Bay Area, suggests using role-play to give children practice ahead of time in dealing with new social situations. He also suggests they work together with parents to write a “social story” that incorporates all the elements of an upcoming event or visit to better prepare them for that situation.
Easter Seals Bay Area clinical supervisor Michelle Ficcaglia is also quoted in the story, encouraging parents to have their kids help plan for the trip themselves.
“Counting down a trip by marking off days on a calendar with your child is often very helpful,” says Michelle Ficcaglia, Ph.D., the clinical supervisor for the East Bay Autism Project. “Additionally, you can try to prepare your child for a plane, car or train ride by reading books about the mode of travel you will be using.”
The story features many other tips and ideas from Matt and Michelle, plus advice from other experts, too. As the author so wisely puts it:
Celebrating the season with special-needs children has its own set of challenges — as well as unique joys.