Wrap-up to a great year!

First of all, I want to say that I have really enjoyed my year as Easter Seals’ 2007 National Adult Representative. Even though it might have been a demanding job, I truly enjoyed the opportunities that I endured for the past 11 months. Now, entering my 12th and final month of this prestigious honor, I know the next Youth and Adult Representatives will perform their services with honor and represent the Easter Seals organization in a great way.

As the 2007 Adult Representative, I was fortunate enough to travel to several different cities and states across the United States. I’ve traveled to places such as Puerto Rico (both San Juan and Ponce), New York (White Plains), San Francisco (twice), Las Vegas (twice), Dallas (three times), and cities in my home state of Illinois. A lot of people welcomed me and my family with open arms and we were blessed to meet the courteous people at many different Easter Seals affiliates and deliver my message to those individuals.

Maurice Snell and his band The Naturals performed Stevie Wonder's 'Living for the City' at Brookfield Zoo during the September 15, 2007 Chicago Walk With Me event Maurice Snell and his band The Naturals performed Stevie Wonder’s ‘Living for the City’ at Brookfield Zoo during the September 15, 2007 Chicago Walk With Me event

I would like to wish the team at Easter Seals, Inc. the greatest of thanks for showing me the way – the in and outs while being the Adult Representative for this year.

I also thank those from many different Easter Seals affiliates for extending their invitation to me and my family to discuss my experiences with autism, the neurological disorder that has affected me most of my life.

I, in turn, am grateful to meet many people of Easter Seals, prestigious organizations such as Safeway, Quixtar, Food Lion, Century 21, and others, along with different families who aim to help a very common cause, such as autism.

The message has to be delivered to people across the country.

Without people like you supporting me through this period, I wouldn’t have gone anywhere.

As always, I will stay true to the Easter Seals organization, whether it is in Chicago or anywhere across this country. I look forward to telling the rest of my family, friends, and coworkers of the great year I have experienced.

I look forward to seeing you all again in the future!


Comments may not reflect Easterseals' policies or positions.

  1. Richard Says:

    Hey, thanks for getting back to me! I have never had a message from overseas before, I gues its a little silly to say but i am excited! Yer Aus is not a bad place. I guess we are all fairly easy going, most of the time any way!

    I guess the most amazing thing about Easter Seals for me is the area that it covers. Easter Seals is massive, i can’t believe how big it is! I am currently a Socail Work Student and i guess i am a little curious about what other countries are doing about social issues both big, small and in between.

    Anyway mate, gotta run. Nice Chatting with you!


  2. Maurice Snell Says:

    Thank you, Richard for your kind words towards my blog, especially from an Australian like yourself. Australia is a beautiful country and has many places to see. I’m pretty sure your Easter Seals in Australia is indeed a wonderful place to visit. I hope to stop by your Easter Seals in Australia soon!

    I hope to see you again in the future! G’day mate!

  3. Richard Says:

    Hey mate!

    My name is Richard, i live in Aus! I work for the Northcott Society which is a sister organsisation to the Easter Seals. Your story is amazing. This is a quick email to wish you luck in what ever path your on!

    All the best mate!
