The power of an idea

My friend and colleague Helen McCabe just posted a fabulous video on YouTube that shows how she took an IDEA about improving the lives of individuals living with autism in China and made it a reality.

Helen and her sister Karen McCabe founded the Five Project in 2006. Its mission:

  • Increase the capacity of autism and other disability organizations in China to provide effective intervention services.
  • Promote and support self-help and self-advocacy skills in Chinese individuals with disabilities and their families.

Helen’s idea is now reality and is producing meaningful outcomes. Getting an idea to reality takes a lot of work. I’ve been privileged enough to work with the Five Project in China a couple of times and have seen the amazing outcomes. Helen and Karen have devoted thousands of hours over many years building relationships with families and professionals in China and throughout the world. They have developed autism awareness videos in Mandarin. The Five Project newsletter comes out in both English and Mandarin so we can share information with others who might be interested.

It is easy to have an idea.. The tough part is making that Idea a reality. Helen McCabe and the Five Project are a wonderful example of the powerful outcomes that can come from an idea.


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