Tell us about your everyday victories!
by Rachel
We’re so excited to introduce Step by Step, a weeklong social media showcase of kids and their developmental milestones. We realize a milestone can be about more than first steps or first words, so to SHOW you how our nation’s kids are growing up, we’re sharing small, everyday victories. That way, more than just the parents can celebrate with them.
We often notice physical or motor milestones first, but it’s so important to call out the communication, problem-solving and personal-social milestones as well. For instance, one of our favorite bloggers Ellen Siedman published a post about her family’s important milestone: her son Max ate a slice of American cheese without getting it all over himself. A “woo hoo!” indeed.
If you have a milestone photo you’d like to share, please post it on our Facebook page anytime! Easter Seals created a separate handle for Make the First Five Count (@FirstFiveCount) because it’s THAT important. We really want to home in on what people are saying about early intervention specifically, provide help and resources where needed, and continue the conversation!
You can follow the conversations via Facebook and Twitter with hash tags #FirstSteps and #First5Count. And if you know a child five and under, please take the Ages and Stages Questionnaire online survey to make sure they’re meeting those milestones.