Maurice: Autism Awareness Month redux

Ozzie and Maurice

April has been a great month! Many organizations helped celebrate Autism Awareness month nationwide, including our very own Easter Seals.

I have been busy myself, going around and out of town meeting new faces and telling my life story. It all started with a trip to Great Falls to meet a group of people who were hosting Autism Awareness Week at Easter Seals-Goodwill Northern Rocky Mountain. It was the first time I’ve been to Montana and it’s a great state to visit!

Back home in Chicago, Easter Seals Metropolitan Chicago celebrated Autism Awareness Month in great fashion. This past Monday, the Therapeutic School and Center for Autism Research hosted a balloon release event with help from White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen, third baseman Josh Fields and pitcher Matt Thornton. Southpaw, the team mascot, was there, too. Even though most of the day was windy and grey, all of the students at the school helped released the different balloons into the overcast sky. After the event, Ozzie and the players took a tour of the Therapeutic School, visiting different classrooms and all of the interesting places within the school.

Later that evening, all the folks from Easter Seals Metropolitan Chicago were supposed to participate in Autism Awareness Night at the White Sox game. Terry Bracey — a graduate of the Therapeutic School and a member of my band The Naturals — was supposed to sing the National Anthem for that game, but the game was called due to rain. We had a lucky break — all of the festivities were pushed back to Game 1 of a double header the very next day, and Terry got the chance to sing the National Anthem after all. Even though I may not have been inside the ballpark (I was one of the thousand fans waiting in line to exchange tickets), I was fortunate enough to listen to Terry over the public address.

It was a good day for baseball (for the first game of the double header, at least — the White Sox won that one!) and an exciting end to an exciting month of April. We look forward to May and hope it’s a great month also!


Know your options when it comes to occupational therapy

What a pleasure it is to introduce guest blogger Sandra Schefkind, MS, OTR/L, pediatric coordinator for the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).

Know your options when it comes to occupational therapy

By Sandra Schefkind

It’s no secret that parents want the best for their kids. When they’re at home they know firsthand what’s happening … but let’s face it — kids can’t stay at home forever!

Parents of children with autism need to know that occupational therapy practitioners (OTs) are important members of the school team to support both the academic performance and social participation of their child. From addressing sensory concerns that impact learning, adapting tasks and the environment to enhance participation, and addressing the child’s ability to manage his emotions and facilitate his social skills development, OTs in schools support a child’s participation in the academic and nonacademic curriculum and engagement in daily school routines. Using evaluation and screening, OTs help to identify the child’s abilities and strengths and determine the need for occupational therapy services.

Since OT services in schools help students succeed in their daily routines, occupational therapy can be offered in a variety of settings including the classroom, playground, or lunchroom. The goal is to offer services in the natural environment to the extent possible in settings in which the child participates in school-related activities. Occupational therapy practitioners are part of the school team meeting the needs of your child; they provide service to and on behalf of your child through direct service and consultation.

Download the fact sheet on the role of occupational therapy under IDEA and share with your teacher, principal, and PTA. Also, refer to the consumer tip sheet entitled Understanding Autism. These two resources provide valuable information about the profession of occupational therapy and articulate our role to consumers.

And more than anything else, as a parent of a child with autism, know your options when it comes to occupational therapy. Know what occupational therapy in schools can do for your child, and know how occupational therapy services work in your school system. Talk to your child’s principal, teacher, director of special education in your district, and your state occupational therapy association — they can answer questions and concerns and help you determine the best options for your child.


Easter Seals goes to the White House

James E. Williams, Jr., president and chief executive officer, Easter Seals, joined leaders from other national disability organizations for a briefing at the White House last week. The briefing was hosted by Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy. Dale is the first-ever assistant focused on disability. His appointment was announced by vice-president Biden at the Winter Special Olympic Games. an article in the Chicago Sun-Times explains Dale’s appointment like this:

Biden said the new position is proof of the administration’s commitment to
bettering conditions for persons with disabilities. Biden said of Dale: “He is going to have absolutely direct access to the President. What we’re trying to do is make sure that not only do we deal with getting support for what you’re seeing happening at these Winter Games, but also to make sure that persons with disabilities are in position to also be in the work force, so they don’t have to choose, like many have to do now, between staying in a job that’s a dead-end job that they don’t like, or else leaving a job that they like because it’s the only way to get health care.

At the White House meeting, Williams joined leaders of other national disability organizations encouraging President Obama to prioritize the needs of individuals with autism and other disabilities in health care reform.

The exchange included a discussion of ways to increase the ability of children and adults with autism and other disabilities to live, learn, work and play in their communities. Being invited to this briefing gave Easter Seals the opportunity to stress the importance of person-centered and lifespan-focused health care to White House officials.


Superbrain Yoga!

A news feature on a California T.V. station reported that Superbrain Yoga — a five-minute yoga exercise designed specifically to help the brain — has been endorsed by Yale-trained neurobiologist Eugenius Ang, Ph.D. The TV spot shows a few children with autism doing Superbrain Yoga and includes a testimonial from one mother who says her son’s behavior improved dramatically after they started doing the five-minute exercise.

An article in AARP Magazine about Superbrain Yoga links to a video and describes the exercise step by step:

Step 1 Place your left hand on your right earlobe, thumb on the front of the lobe with fingernail facing outward and second finger behind the earlobe. Then, with your right hand, grasp your left earlobe, again keeping your thumb on the front of the lobe, facing outward. Press both earlobes simultaneously, making sure your left arm is close to your chest and inside your right (which devotees say helps energy travel upward to the brain).

Step 2 As you press on the earlobes, squat down, keeping your back straight. Do 10 to 12 deep bends, inhaling through the nose on the way down and exhaling through the mouth coming up. You may place a chair underneath you as a safety precaution.

Step 3 Repeat daily

Okay, I admit it. I’m a skeptic. But heck — this little exercise only takes five minutes out of one’s day. And hey, maybe that’s five minutes away from the internet, away from big-screen TVs, away from cell phones. Who knows … that just might help your brain. At the very least, it could give you time to think!


Making kids more aware of autism

March was a busy and rewarding month for me in my role as a children’s book author. In one month, my Seeing Eye dog Hanni and I visited five elementary schools, two libraries, one health education center, one teacher education center, and appeared at one author-illustrator night.

A lot of the schools we went to prepared the kids ahead of time for our visit. They highlighted books about blindness, held reading sessions, did activities to give the children an idea what it might be like to be blind, or how they might assist a person who is blind.

So I was thinking: why not do this with autism?

It seems so much attention is given to making adults more aware of what autism is … wouldn’t it be good for kids to be more aware, too?

From my experience, I can easily imagine people with autism — or parents of children with autism — visiting classes to teach the kids about autism, explaining what it’s like to have autism. Classes could prepare for the visits by reading books ahead of time. features a terrific Listmania list for folks looking for children’s books about autism, and a fair number of the books on that list are available at our Easter Seals and Autism bookstore. Every time you order a book through our bookstore, a portion of that sale will go to Easter Seals.

One book in our bookstore that would be particularly useful during a classroom visit: The Friendship Puzzle, Helping Kids Learn About Accepting and Including Kids with Autism. Katy Neas recently reviewed this book on our Easter Seals and Autism blog.

The voice of the book is a typically developing elementary school girl — the story is about her journey to understand the new kid at school who has autism. The book presents information in a kind and factually accurate manner and offers activities that kids can do with kids with autism.

This would be a perfect book to recommend before a classroom visit about autism. Those of you who have autism or have a loved one with autism should consider visiting classrooms to teach kids about what it’s like. You’ll be surprised about how curious the kids are — and what fun you’ll have answering their questions.


Autism making daily routines impossible? Occupational therapy to the rescue!

Did you know that April is both Autism Awareness Month and Occupational Therapy Month? Well, it is true — and I think it is a wonderful match! A press release put out by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) this month explains how occupational therapy practitioners can help people with autism participate in daily routines.

Though a December 2008 Easter Seals-sponsored study showed nearly 80 percent of surveyed families with a child with autism are extremely or very concerned about their child’s potential to achieve independence as an adult, occupational therapy practitioners can help. They can make a difference in the lives and futures of these children by identifying the early signs or indicators of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) so the family and child can then receive necessary support and services. Occupational therapy practitioners help children and their families participate in daily routines and promote their function when facing barriers or difficulties typically associated with this disorder.

“Occupational therapy practitioners assess the specific area or areas in which the individual is showing signs of ASD, and then shares that information with the parent or physician,” said Leslie Jackson, MEd, OT, project director of the Training Modules for Inclusive Early Care and Education at Easter Seals. “April, which is both Occupational Therapy Month and Autism Awareness Month, provides an excellent opportunity to educate the public about the important role the profession plays.”

The Easter Seals Living with Autism Study mentioned in that press release was funded by MassMutual, and pointed out the many needs of individuals and families living with autism across the lifespan. We all acknowledge serious gaps in services and lack of adequate funding for services — those gaps make it all the more important to know where help is available right now.

This month, the American Occupational Therapy Association web site features a talk I put together along with Janie B. Scott MA, OT/L, FAOTA, from Towson University. Our talk explains how occupational therapists help individuals and families participate in education, work, play and daily life by helping a person with the performance of daily life tasks.

Take a quick 15 minutes to listen to all the ways we can help — download a podcast of our talk about the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of autism. When you’re done listening, pass the link on to others you know. The podcast is meant to be downloaded and shared with friends, families, clients, acquaintances, teachers, employers and anyone else who might benefit.


Aren’t we aware enough already?

I am a Nick Hornby fan. His book High Fidelity is one of my favorite modern novels. The movie is fun, too, and it was filmed right here in Chicago! I keep Hornby on my radar, so of course I took notice when I found out a few years ago that his son has autism. And I took notice again this week when I found Nick Hornby quoted in the Telegraph.

Mr. Hornby, whose son attends a TreeHouse school in north London, said: “When my son was diagnosed with autism there was a total lack of information and advice on what we should do next.

“It seems that little has changed – and that is a national scandal.”

It’s funny – usually when I tell outsiders that I moderate a blog about autism for Easter Seals, they say something about how much they’ve heard about autism the past couple of years. But still, according to parents like Nick Hornby, we need to talk more, make more people aware.

For the third year in a row, during April’s Autism Awareness Month and World Autism Awareness Day, Easter Seals Autism Spokespersons Network (ASN) and Affiliate Marketing Partners (AMP) members, at both the local and national levels, are actively promoting Easter Seals role as the largest nonprofit provider of autism services. Our goal is to let people know that Easter Seals is a trusted expert around autism services and drive the message that there is an urgent need for treatment and services for families living with autism.


Again with that urban myth about divorce rate!

A story in the New York Daily News described how 150 strollers set up in Central Park on World Autism Awareness Day helped make New Yorkers aware that one in 150 children are diagnosed with autism.

It looked like a gigantic play date, but the 150 baby strollers lined up in Central Park Thursday were there for a far more serious reason.

The story went on to interview parents of children with autism. It was a good article, really, except for one quote.

Actress Holly Robinson Peete, whose 11-year-old son, Rodney, is autistic, said the disorder puts a strain on families.

“My husband and I – with an 80% divorce rate [for couples with autistic children] – had to do a lot to keep our family intact,” Peete said.

I am not questioning whether Peete and her husband had to do a lot to keep their family intact; I’m just getting tired of that urban myth about the high divorce rate. Last year’s Easter Seals’ Living with Autism Study provided us with quantifiable information that families living with autism are significantly less likely to be divorced than families with children without special needs. Among those parents with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder and who have been divorced, only one-third said their divorce had anything to do with managing the special needs of their children. applauds our positive fundraising methods

A guy named Mike Ervin lives in our apartment building here in Chicago –- Mike was a poster child for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the 1960s, and today he’s an activist who challenges the MDA’s representation of people with disabilities in its annual telethon. I’ve learned a lot from Mike, and I was particularly pleased to find Easter Seals mentioned in a blog post as an example of how a non-profit organization can raise funds in a positive way.

The post quotes Evan Kemp, Jr., Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) under George H. Bush and EEOC commissioner under Reagan.

By focusing on innocent children, the telethon, he said, “seems to proclaim that the only socially acceptable status for disabled people is their early childhood. The handicapped child is appealing and huggable–the adolescent or mature adult is a cripple to be avoided.” Kemp objected that the telethon focused on the tragedy of a small number of children who died from muscular dystrophy, when in reality a far greater number of adults, like himself, lead normal lives with neuromuscular conditions.

Last year’s Easter Seals’ Living with Autism Study provided us with quantifiable information to help us raise awareness of — and advocate for — the services people living with autism will need not only as children, but as adults, too. The study gave us a better appreciation of what our constituents need from us. The post pointed out another way we are listening to our constituents:

As “world autism awareness day” and “autism awareness month” bombard us with fundraising requests and panicked images of “innocent children” or the “bravery of those who overcome autism,” remember that the path to eliminating these destructive stereotypes has been walked before. Major charities such as Easter Seals and United Cerebral Palsy have listened to their constituents, and changed their fundraising tactics to remove the pity messages–without hurting their fundraising.

Can’t wait to share this post with Mike.


Sandra Lee & Easter Seals help make meal-time ease a must for parents

Semi-Homemade magazine cover and pictures of Sandra Lee\'s school visit
Easter Seals is thrilled to be featured in the latest April/May issue of Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Magazine! Here’s an excerpt:

Offering hugs from her heart is only one of the ways that Sandra is pitching in at the Easter Seals. To help highlight April’s Autism Awareness Month, Sandra recently spent some time in the Bronx Child Development Center in New York, in the school’s play kitchen and classroom, where 95 children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years receive one-on-one pre-K care. To help up the ante, Sandra will be bargain shopping for Semi-Homemade ingredients at Safeway grocery stores this spring. Since 1986, Safeway has partnered with Easter Seals, creating a companywide fund-raising effort and a tear-pad promotion that collects donations from customers at checkout; please help us this year!

Foodies and fans of the Food Network know of Sandra Lee’s passion for simple solutions that create dramatic results in all areas of home life.

Easter Seals is excited to be working with Sandra Lee to find unique ways to help make life a little easier for families living with autism — possibly uncovering some of those simple solutions that could work well for your family.

And what better place to start than with food! Sandra Lee gave Easter Seals a handful of delicious recipes featured in the current issue of her magazine and worked with us to offer a few suggestions for adopting the recipes for children with autism.

Today’s families — especially families living with autism — are strapped for time and cash, making meal-time ease a must. We know that children with autism may have strong food preferences and can be very choosy eaters, further complicating family meals. Developing independent living skills, including cooking and kitchen safety, is an important part of Easter Seals’ services for individuals with autism.

Additionally, one of the findings of our Living with Autism Study reported that families with autism are more likely to eat a sit-down dinner at home five days a week or more (44% compared to 32% of parents with typically developing children).

Tips for Making Meals Fun for Your Child with Autism

With that, consider testing out a few of Sandra Lee’s cost- and time-saving recipes and keep these tips in mind:

  • Involve your kids in making a part of the meal—they may be more interested in eating something they helped to prepare.
  • Explore different textures to encourage your child with autism to try the Garlic Mashed Potatoes. Mash them completely for a smooth presentation or leave a few lumps. Maybe your child will prefer “bumpy” potatoes.
  • Make the Pepperoni Pattern Pizza and let your kids add their own preferred toppings to a pizza section — maybe adding more mushrooms and no olives.
  • Serve salad ingredients for the Spinach and Hearts of Palm recipe in separate dishes if your child doesn’t like foods to touch — and then, kids can dip the different veggies into the dressing.
  • Try a boneless pork chop for the Pork Chop with Apples — some children with autism don’t like having the bone with the meat.
  • For children who steer clear of vegetables, puree broccoli or other nutrient-rich vegetables and add it to the spaghetti sauce. Make sure the vegetables are invisible.
  • Separate items in the Shrimp Stir Fry on your child’s plate to encourage them to eat the snow peas, shrimp, and cole slaw separately if they don’t like their foods combined.

Parents know their children best, so this is really just a beginning. Please share some of your meal-time tricks of the trade with us — we’d love to hear what works best for your family when it comes to food.