Kyle Mayer brings Walk with Me to new heights

Kyle and his mom walking
Kyle Mayer, our 2011 Easter Seals National Child Representative, led a team of walkers at Milwaukee’s Walk With Me event last month. Participants and members of the community were encouraged to join “Kyle’s Crew” to support early intervention services for individuals living with autism and other disabilities, and they responded to the call: the event raised over $100,000 for Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin. That’s more than any other event in our affiliate’s history! 

After the total was announced, Kyle’s mom reminded the 400 walkers that her family’s journey with Easter Seals began with a scholarship for autism services for Kyle. That scholarship was funded by donations from events like Walk with Me. Today, Kyle is in a regular classroom in elementary school and has a world of opportunity in front of him. From a story in the Greendale Patch:

Kyle, 7, is a Cub Scout in Pack 506 at College Park Elementary school in Greendale. At the age of 2, he was diagnosed with autism. According to a YouTube video about Kyle, Easter Seals provided early intervention services for him and since then he has undergone therapy which has helped him progress.

The dollars we raise at Easter Seals helps us give children with autism and their families hope for new possibilities. Don’t all children deserve that? I sure think so!


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