How do I know if my child has autism?

Easter Seals is committed to increasing awareness. Awareness about symptoms of autism, the capabilities of people with autism and any other awareness topic than can improve the lives of individuals living with autism.

One question we get frequently is, “How do I know if my child has autism?” We’ve been working on tools to assist parents in recognizing signs of autism. MOST importantly, we’ve been pursuing early effective treatment. Early intervention really does promote the best outcomes, and it’s comforting to know we are not the only group committed to this awareness work.

Many organizations produce materials to help parents and community members assess their child for early signs of autism. If you suspect your child is not developing normally, here’s a few resources that highlight the signs and symptoms of autism:

Awareness is not a job for one organization to tackle on its own. By working together, we can see that every child with autism will be diagnosed and receive treatment.


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