From Melrose Place to Cafe Mom

I was thrilled when I heard from that they wanted to honor Easter Seals as part of their Autism Awareness Month activities. is a leading website for mothers. It has a large community of mothers of children on the Autism spectrum, and I just found out that one of the founders of the site happens to be Andrew Shue. Yes, the Andrew Shue that I used to watch on Melrose Place years ago — take a look at his interview about with Good Morning America. wants to donate to non-profit organizations in honor of Autism Awareness month, and they’ve made it really easy for their visitors to help. They’ll make a monetary donation to Easter Seals based on the posts, or “bumps” Easter Seals receives to a donation page on their site. Just type “bump” under the comment section or click on “bump post.” will donate one cent for each bump, so “bump” and/or comment often! To learn more about what has to offer this month, link to their Autism Awareness Month post.


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