Effective services requires financial support

When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents do what they know best – pursue the most effective intervention services they can find for their child. This is what Joe and Elizabeth Micheletti did for their son Jake when he was diagnosed with autism two years ago. They found an effective intervention.

What they also found is that their medical insurance would not provide payment for the treatment. The Michelettis pursued this denial of coverage within the court system – and they won.

Coverage for autism intervention is a dilemma. The data demonstrates that intensive intervention at a very young age promotes the best outcomes.

Intensive intervention can be expensive; families need support to fund these services for their young children. Health insurance is often the first funding source pursued by parents. However, most insurance companies do not provide coverage for intensive early intervention.

The Michelettis pushed the health insurance system and received payment for Jake’s services.

Some states, like Texas and Pennsylvania, have legislated coverage for autism, but these states still do not provide full coverage for all of those in need. Unfortunately, there are many young children with autism who are still left without appropriate services.

Effective early intervention services grants the best opportunity for young children with autism to develop to their greatest potential. Insurance coverage, proper funding for state educational agencies and a societal commitment to providing appropriate services is what our young children need to achieve their potential.


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