CNN noticed your autism stories

A huge thank you to all of you who read Lisa Tate’s blog last week and then contacted CNN. The network’s chief medical/health producer phoned Easter Seals Headquarters last week to tell us she’d been touched by several of your autism stories.

CNN plans to continue covering autism far beyond this Wednesday (when CNN Medical News will devote their entire day of coverage to autism). And now, because of your response to Lisa’s blog and your willingness to share your autism stories, CNN has decided to highlight Easter Seals on the CNN Medical news website as one of its key resources for families to get support/treatment for autism.

Be sure to watch CNN and check out its website In April — Autism Awareness Month starts tomorrow.


Comments may not reflect Easterseals' policies or positions.

  1. Lauretta Pepperworth Says:

    I did not say vaccines cause autism. There is more
    proof they do not. My point was, and please read the
    CNN article was that Jenny McCarthy was told by
    doctors and neurologists that her son did not have autism
    and was misdiagnosed. She is speading a lie that she
    cured her sons “autism” to sell a book and revive her

  2. Charlotte Curry Says:

    I also agree about the damage caused by vaccines. My grandson was developing at a perfectly normal rate until he was given his MMR vaccine. He ran a high fever, broke out in a rash that lasted for about 5 days and was diagnosed with Roseola. Upon receiving his next shots, he repeated the same symptoms, was again diagnosed with Roseola and was never the same. He is now almost 4 and was diagnosed with Autism in September, 2007. We are following a gluten & casien free regimen as well as soy free. We have seen good results from this change alone. But, he still needs soooo much therapy!!

  3. Susan Shumway Says:

    I DO Agree whole-heartedly about the vaccines. James was born in Stockton, CA. He was completely normal, walking and talking before I took him in for his 1 yr shots. Directly after that he regressed and became Completely Non-verbal. (he recieved shots in 1996) Soon after, the pharmaceutical companies were forced to ban Mercury as a preservative in their vaccines. YES! I believe there is a HUGE link there. We moved to MS after he started regressing, but, do to lack of resources there, were unable to get a diagnosis until he was almost 5.