Catching up with the Squiggle

A couple years ago I linked to a blog a father wrote about his son’s autism diagnosis. The post was written by Matthew Baldwin, a computer programmer from the Seattle area who does freelance writing on the side. He’s a great writer. Lots of people enjoy reading his Defective Yeti blog.

Baldwin has kept this personal blog for years, covering politics and music and movies and most of all, things he just finds odd or humorous. After his son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Baldwin started blogging about autism, too. He keeps the names of his wife and son anonymous in the blog, referring to her as “Queen” and to him as “Squiggle” — “Squig” for short. Baldwin’s son turned seven last month, and I found the post about Squig’s birthday so moving I’m going to excerpt a bit of it here.

During a recent meeting with my son’s support team in which we were charting out his plan for the coming years, we took a moment to inventory his strengths and challenges. Number one on the list of his advantages was “charisma”.

Squig has an easygoing manner that people find endearing. His joie de vivre is infectious. Other kids are drawn to him. Like all young seven-year-old boys he has moments of defiance and aggression and omg will you stop running in the kitchen for just one second will you STOP?!! But on the balance he is just the most delightful kid to be around.
And, as a result, people will really go to bat for him. Whenever we encounter obstacles, some indefatigable member of Squig’s support team will tuck him under her arm and run into whatever endzone we are currently striving for, knocking opponents left and right. They will totally sweep the ice as he glides down the curling sheet toward a developmental house (wanted to include a sports analogy for my Canadian readers as well).

To be fair, they would do this for anyone in their care — people who work with special needs children are the most beneficent and indefatigable you will ever meet. But, even so, Squig has amassed an impressive cheering section. He is well loved.

That gives you an idea of how this guy thinks. And writes. Visit the defective yeti blog to read more. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.


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  1. Dennis Says:

    This title really grabbed my attention. I linked to the father’s blog post, and was glad I did. Thanks for the recommendation.