Become a part of the Easterseals advocacy family

Easterseas Nevada delegation meeting with Rep. Dina Titus in her office in Washington DC.

Easterseas Nevada delegation meeting with Rep. Dina Titus in her office in Washington DC.

Easterseals is proud of our long history as a leading advocate for people with disabilities at the federal and state level. We have a great team in Washington, but the real power of Easterseals advocacy is the voices of people with disabilities, families, staff and supporters that we are able to rally to help educate legislators about the needs of people with disabilities. In this election year, and every year, it is critical that the needs of people with disabilities are kept front and center in policy debates.

We need your help. One of the best ways you can help Easterseals be a voice for people with disabilities is to sign up here to get Easterseals alerts and join Easter Seals’ advocacy network. You can help by asking your friends and family to sign up to be a part of the network as well.

By becoming a part of the network, you will get the latest news on issues affecting people with disabilities and access to easy-to-use on-line alerts that let you get timely information to members of Congress.

You will also get a copy of the monthly policy update that we provide to all Easterseals affiliates. Our monthly Washington Updates highlight policy activities in Washington, D.C. that affect people with disabilities.

I promise you won’t be overwhelmed with messages, and I also promise you will be an important part of protecting the independence of people with disabilities — thank you for your support.


Comments may not reflect Easterseals' policies or positions.

  1. Priscila Says:

    My son has autism and I would like more information.