Apples and autism

iPad image courtesy of Apple, Inc.An article in Chicago Special Parent talks about a $40,000 grant Easter Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region has received from the Tellabs Foundation. We’re using the grant to buy 12 iPads, eight iPod Touches and apps specifically for use with children who have autism. Our assistive technology therapist Kathleen Post explains in the article how assistive technology devices will help our kids.

“Children with autism face varying degrees of challenges and every child is different,” says Kathleen Post, Easter Seals assistive technology therapist. “Assistive technology devices can enable these children to have a simple way to communicate by using relevant images to build sentences and an audio component to share their message.”

With this new technology at their fingertips, our therapists will be able to give parents hands-on demonstrations. This way parents can give these devices a try before making the important decision to purchase one for their child. Therapists will also work with each child individually to recommend specific apps for parents to purchase.

We express our sincere thanks to the Tellabs Foundation for providing us with this state-of-the-art technology to better serve our clients with autism and other disabilities. The grant will truly help us open a new world of communication for these children. Visit the Easter Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region web site for upcoming parent trainings and more information on Assistive Technology Therapy.


Comments may not reflect Easterseals' policies or positions.

  1. keith clark Says:

    thank u

  2. Dennis Says:

    Like this idea to give parents and kids an opportunity to try the technology before making the purchase. Congrats on the grant.