A terrific Capitol Hill Day!

Easter Seals representatives kick off Capitol Hill Day with a visit to the White HouseWhat a terrific Capitol Hill Day we had in Washington D.C.!

We started the day off with a tour of the White House. About 200 Easter Seals staff and volunteers got to take advantage of this rare opportunity!

Then we met with members of Congress for our home state of Wisconsin — Senators Kohl and Feingold, and Representatives Kagen, Sensenbrenner and Moore. We had a half-hour with Sen. Kohl discussing health care and long term care. We were pleased to find all the members we met with agreed with ending pre-existing conditions as a major policy goal for people living with disabilities. Each office told us they agree on 80% of the issues involved. Rep. Kagen is a doctor and is following this issue closely. We even got a fist bump from him for the work done at Easter Seals!

As an organization, we were pleased to hear the praise from all our visits about the work done by Easter Seals. This year, Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin is investing $100,000 to start to a new Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) program for children with disabilities. Annually, we raise over $100,000 to cover shortfalls in our Birth-to-4 program. Each person we met with knew Easter Seals is a vital piece of the network in providing community supports for children and adults with disabilities.

But one day of staff and volunteers in D.C. is not going to get the job done. One office told us the people back home need to weigh in.

It’s not too late to keep calling, mailing and emailing your thoughts. It helps in guiding policy and letting members know what people back home are thinking. There are concerns within any of the current bills that can affect those living with disabilities, their care and their supports. Many people living with disabilities have long term health conditions and will be impacted directly by the changes in our health care system.

So … stay tuned and stay involved!


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