Hotlines to help with access at polling places
by Beth
When I’ve had problems accessing the talking voting machines in previous elections, I called the National Federation of the Blind’s toll-free hotline at 877-632-1940, and voting specialists were there to try to help me and the poll worker resolve the issue. Other hotlines are ready to help people with disabilities who have problems voting too:
- U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Voting Section: for complaints related to ballot access, call 800-253-3931, or 202-307-2767. TTY: 877-267-8971
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: for questions about competency of voters/mental Illness issues, call Jennifer Mathis at 202-467-5730 ext. 122
- Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights under Law Election Protection Hotline: For help with disability/access issues, call 866-OURVOTE.
During the 2008 election my issue with the voting machine couldn’t be resolved, and my husband, who can see, had to sign an affidavit to be able to help me with a written ballot. Voting specialists on the National Federation of the Blind hotline recorded details and referred my issue “to the proper authorities for follow-up action.” My hope this year is that the follow-up worked, and things go smoothly — not only for me, but for all of us at the polling places. It would be swell if none of us had to make use of these hotline numbers, but it sure is reassuring to know there are experts on the line, ready to help us if necessary.