Intervention — what can it get you?

What can systematic intervention provide for an individual with autism? For Carly Fleischmann, it gave the opportunity to communicate.

Although the ABC News report about Carly was brief, it appeared that Carly was independently communicating via speech generating software on a laptop. What’s important to note here is that she appears to be communicating independently, not utilizing facilitated communication — facilitated communication has had difficulty gaining validity.

After years of intensive intervention, Carly’s communication skills have improved to the point that she can convey her thoughts to others. Individuals with autism provided with appropriate intervention make progress. Carly is testimony to the positive outcome that can occur through intensive intervention. 

The opportunity to hear Carly’s perspective as a person with autism is a gift in itself. Her ability to communicate also demonstrates the outcome of years of work — both on her part and on the part of her dedicated parents.

Learning to communicate can be difficult for individuals with autism — communication is one of the core deficits of the disability. But as my mother has so often told me — hard work can get you somewhere.


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